“Supposing I passed out, get this virus that’s going or something like that, if I can’t get up, can I call on her for help. Like ‘Hey Google, ring the ambulance.’ Can I do that?” – Coreen
“Coreen: Now what if I use these devices and become reliant on them and then they refuse to cooperate, what do I do then?
Melisa: Then you call a human and tell them to help you.
Coreen: Thank goodness, there’s some humans. You’re not all robots.”
“It’s a bit funny talking to a disembodied voice. Anyway.” – Francis

“I thought, for someone in senior years, that is much too heavy a kettle… You need something that probably only holds about three cups or four cups, nothing more.” – Edna
“See, I think that’s rude to say, “Hey Google”. I’d rather say, “Excuse me, Google. Could you do this?”… “Hey, you, do this”. Well, that’s not a language that we normally use.” – Edna

“Wellness is health. Wellness is visitors, family coming to visit, and with us having our own home, and a big enough home to accommodate our family, they come as often as they can, which is quite often, and we’re very blessed that they can. And that is what home is, home is love.” – Beryl

“I think it’s good fun, you know. I’m sorry that I’m not younger and can enjoy it more” – Shirley
“well, I think we were using the wrong terminology.” – Shirley
“I thought, you know, if we’re going to do a trial, we might find out something for other people as well.” – John
“Well it probably gives me more confidence in myself to know that I can do these things and the technology will help in a lot of things.” – Jane

“I get cross especially when it’s late at night and ‘he’ [robotic vaccum] decides he wants to vacuum the whole house.” – Mary
“I was just so grateful actually, I was thinking, oh, isn’t this marvellous, he’s cleaning the place up and really cleaning” – Mary
“a great idea, to stop falls, anything to stop falls” – Mary

“I think it’s a good thing to have if you’re not very mobile or if you – I think it would be a good thing to have if you weren’t that well.” – Robin
“I think the older you are the more regimented you get. Things go to schedule. Now if anything goes out of sync that makes me unhappy.”- Robin
“I’ve just tested all the bits and pieces, and I find it very easy. It’s not a hassle really”. – Robin

“the light in the bathroom, and that’s very good. It’s a bright light and you do need bright lighting in the bathroom, at our age, because you can’t afford to have anything on the floor because you easily tripped over. So the light’s very bright which is excellent… At night-time it lights up beautiful.” – Owen
“we like to stay at home and be more independent and if we can get more technology like this into our homes, that will make life so much easier for us.” – Hilda
“I want to save that clock. That’s the best thing they ever invested… Well it’s big, and you just sit here and look over there and you can see the day and the time, it’s excellent. That’s what I think.” – Hilda

“I have a light for telling me if I’ve left the garage door open and another one that reminds me early in the morning and late in the evening that it’s medication time. As soon as close the door on the medication cabinet, it goes out, which is magic.” – Robert
“well, I asked it the other night for a recipe for something or rather. Yeah, it got right down to ingredients and everything else. I will use it a fair bit for that because I like to cook. I love cooking, especially if I’ve got a guest I like to cook for.” – Robert
“I love particularly the Google music. That is just out of this world. That’s one thing I would keep for sure.” – Robert
“I find the vacuum just a marvellous instrument, but in my case, it’s probably not 100% practical because I live in a split-level home with multiple stairs, but the larger part of the house is all on the one level and it does an excellent job there. For the remainder of the house, I prefer to use my vacuum cleaner on a stick.” – Robert
“Well, I have the smart kettle, which I love because I’ve realised now that when I wake up in the morning, I go, ‘Hey kettle. Turn on’. It’s ready for a cup of tea or coffee when I walk out to the kitchen.” – Robert

“I’d never seen [a robotic vacuum] working… you could just press a button and send them off down the hallway to do a room and then when it’s finished it comes back and gets on the, it empties the bin and recharges. It’s terrific technology and it does a good job.” – Ken
“Ken: So I’m not, I’m not scared of computers… I use them every day, you know.
Helen: Kenneth has to take me and show me what to do, because I never had to use [computers] with my job… to tell you the honest truth I’m frightened of them and, and it’s just so easy to make a mistake.”

“Now we’ve got disco music.”
“the one [light] that we put out on the garage door that’s working terrifically.”
“I want to remain independent.”- Roy
“Well, if you don’t give it a go, you’ll never know. So I thought, ‘Well, nothing gained, nothing lost.’ You don’t know until you have a go, do you?” – Barbara
“Like when we’re sitting here having a conversation that [Google Home is] an ear. That it’s listening, that’s what I’m worried about…”